Areas of Consultancy

1 Enabling collaborations with academia, industry partners, research institutions, and other stakeholders to enhance innovation, technology development and technology commercialisation
2 Scaling up the production from lab scale to Pilot scale and commercial scale.
3 Support for preparation of project proposal for funding to move up from idea to prototype, prototype validation and converting to market ready product.
4 Formulating interdisciplinary translational research projects
5 Intellectual Property (IP) Assistance - patent filing, licensing, and Protection of intellectual property
6 Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) on food testing laboratories and facilitating access to resources and specialized equipment necessary for product development and validation
7 Mentoring and guidance from experienced mentors and advisors on industry-specific problems, networking opportunities with mentors and investors for strategic advice
8 Assistance with market research, product development, and commercialization strategies.
9 Networking Events and Workshops to connect with fellow entrepreneurs, investors, industry experts
10 Technical Support assistance with prototyping, testing, troubleshooting products and custom based or idea based development of products
11 Tailored programs (workshops/ webinars/ hackathons/ideation drives) , competitions, and initiatives to accelerate the growth and success of science-based startups and ventures and foster skill development
12 Assistance in navigating regulatory requirements and compliance standards relevant to the scientific and food/ agri and bio-technology sectors - Quality and safety of food products; FSSAI Food standards; Codex Alimentarius Commission and international standards for food safety; Food safety risk assessment, HACCP
13 Food testing Laboratory design, operationalisation, accreditation.
14 Market based certifications for food chains
15 Providing training on World Trade Organisation Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Agreements and international standards
16 Fermented foods
17 Food processing machinery
18 Plant tissue culture and biopharma
19 Microbiological, biochemical and toxicological analysis of food, feed, water and soil
20 Analysis of fish and shellfish for pathogens and toxins
21 Interdisciplinary project development-Medical device development