MoU between Nitte DU and ICAR- Central Institute of Fisheries Education (CIFE)

ICAR Central Institute of Fisheries Education is a leading fisheries university that has emerged as a center of excellence for higher education in fisheries and allied disciplines. Nitte DU and ICAR-CIFE signed a MoU on February 28, 2025, agreeing to cooperate in skill-based training education and to bridge the gap between basic and applied research. DST TEC enabled this collaboration, which would pave the way for developing the scientific relationship between Nitte DU and ICAR-CIFE to foster translational research and communication for advances in multidisciplinary fields. Researchers, industry professionals, and practitioners can all network and look for answers in real-time in this program. The activities that are planned for this partnership include training personnel, assistance and guidance in developing projects for funding, conducting joint projects, giving lectures and sharing product development experience, hosting webinars, joint conferences, and symposia, exchanging technical information and knowledge development, and encouraging other cooperative activities in areas of shared interest.
The MoU exchange took place in the Board Room of Nitte University between Dr Harsha Halahalli, Registrar Nitte (DU) and Dr Ravishankar C.N., Director/ Vice-Chancellor ICAR-CIFE. Dr Iddya Karunasagar, Advisor, Research and Patent; Dr Indrani Karunasagar, Director Projects and DST TEC; Dr Praveen Kumar Shetty, Director Research & Development, Dr Anirban Chakraborty, Director NUCSER, Mr Nithya Chethan Chakravarthy, Legal Officer, Nitte (DU) and DST TEC staff were present on occasion.

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MoU between Nitte DU and ICAR Central Institute of Brackish water Aquaculture

ICAR Central Institute of Brackish water Aquaculture (CIBA) is a premier national Institute working on all aspects of brackish water aquaculture. Nitte DU and ICAR-CIBA have signed a MoU on May 21, 2024 agreeing to cooperate in skill-based training, education and to bridge the gap between and basic and applied research. DST TEC enabled this collaboration, which would pave the way for the development of the scientific relationship between Nitte DU and ICAR-CIBA to foster translational research and communication for advances in multidisciplinary fields. This program would provide a conducive environment for researchers, practitioners, industrialists aquaculturists and seafood processing industry to collaborate and develop cost-effective solutions to the problems faced by the industry. This partnership intends to include activities like student internship, manpower training, support in developing collaborative projects for funding, conducting field validation of aquaculture technologies, hosting stakeholder meetings, expert lectures, panel discussions and sharing experience in product development.
The MoU exchange took place in the Board Room of Nitte University between the Registrar, Dr. Harsha Halahalli and Dr Kuldeep K Lal, Director ICAR-CIBA, on May 21, 2024. The Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Dr M S Moodithaya; Dr Iddya Karunasagar, Advisor, Research and Patent; Dr Indrani Karunasagar, Director Projects and Director DST TEC; Dr Anirban Chakraborty, Director NUCSER; Mr Chethan Chakravarty, Legal Officer, Nitte and DST TEC staff were present on occasion.
Before signing the MoU, Dr. Kuldeep Lal visited the DST Technology Enabling Center and Nitte University Center for Science Education and Research (NUCSER). He delivered a talk on the status of brackish water aquaculture in India.

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SRM University-Andhra Pradesh

An MoU was signed on 16 June 2023, between SRM University-AP and Nitte (DU), to
promote academics and research in Biological Science. The MoU was signed at the board
room of Nitte (DU) by Dr R Premkumar, Registrar, SRM University-AP and Prof. Dr Harsha
Halahalli, Registrar, Nitte (DU), in the presence of Prof. Dr MS Moodithaya, hon’ble Vice-
Chancellor, Nitte (DU) and Prof. Manoj K Arora, hon’ble Vice Chancellor, SRM University-AP.
This collaboration was enabled by DST TEC. Prof. Iddya Karunasagar, advisor (Research &
Patents), Nitte (DU), Prof. Indrani Karunasagar, Director (DST TEC & Projects), Nitte (DU), Dr
Praveen Shetty, Director, R&D, Nitte (DU), Prof G Srinikethan President IIC, Nitte (DU), Prof.
V K Sasindran, Director PG studies, Nitte (DU), Prof A N Parameswaran Director Institute
Industry collaboration Nitte (DU), Prof. Anirban Chakraborty, Director, NUCSER, Nitte (DU)
Prof. Jayaseelan Murugaiyan, HoD, Biological Sciences, SRM University-AP, Dr Krishna
Kumar, Associate Professor, NUCSER, Nitte (DU) Mr. Chethan Chakravarty, Legal Officer,
Nitte (DU) were present during the occasion.

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Kakunje Software, Mangalore

Nitte University and Kakunje Software have signed MOU agreeing to cooperate in the development of medical devices and other mutually essential technologies. This collaboration was enabled by DST TEC. With support from DST TEC, Dr. Anupama Prasad and Dr. Krishna Prasad from Department of Prosthodontics, A B Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences (ABSMIDS) in collaboration with Kakunje Software have developed a non-invasive device for detection of muscle pain using a novel surface electromyography (EMG). A patent for this technology is in process and the patent application was published in Patent Journal in July 2023. MOU exchange took place in the Board Room of Nitte University between the Vice Chancellor, Dr. Moodithaya and Mr. Gopal Krishna Bhat Kaunje on August 9, 2023. Registrar, Dr. Harsha H.; Principal, ABSMIDS, Dr. U S Krishna Nayak; Dr. Iddya Karunasagar, Advisor, Research and Patent; Dr. Indrani Karunasagar, Director Projects and Director DST TEC, Mr. Chethan Chakravarty, Legal Officer, Nitte and Mrs Aparna Bhat, Kakunje Software were present on the occasion.

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Sri Devaraj URS Academy of Higher Education & Research (DU)

An MoU was signed on 10 Oct 2022 between Sri Devaraj URS Academy of Higher Education & Research (DU) & Technology Enabling Centre, Nitte (DU). The purpose of MoU is to foster translational research in multidisciplinary areas and provide a conducive environment for researchers, practitioners, industrialists to develop network and seek solution on real time basis. The collaboration is also expected to assess and evaluate maturity of the identified technology along with their market potential and focus on technology transfer to meet societal need. The areas of cooperation include manpower training, support and advise to developing projects for funding, conducting collaborative research, organising webinars, exchanging technical information and knowledge development.

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An MoU was signed on 12 July 2022 between Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SINE), an umbrella organization at IIT Mumbai & Nitte (DU). SINE is a technology business incubator that provides start-to-end incubation and acceleration support for start-ups. SINE also actively collaborates with Industry /corporates for various programs like the idea to prototype and entrepreneur fellowship program.
The collaboration is expected to provide permission for start-up ventures, utilize infrastructure and labs, provide technical and business mentorship, and recommend start-up innovators for specific programs. The association is also expected to facilitate the co-incubation of start-ups between Nitte (DU) & SINE IITB.

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A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Nitte (DU), Madras Medical Mission Hospital (Chennai), and Molbio Diagnostics Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru on 15 July 2021. The overall objective of this collaboration is to contribute to the detection of carbapenem resistance by providing support in implementing the plan and required resources.

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The Central Arecanut and Cocoa Marketing and Processing Cooperative (CAMPCO) Limited and Arecanut Research and Development Foundation (ARDF) signed an MoU with TEC, Nitte (DU) on 03 December 2021

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DST TEC Nitte (DU) Signs MoU with Section Infin-8 Foundation

DST TEC, Nitte (DU) and Section Infin-8 Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 27 April 2022 to collaborate in inter and multi disciplinary research and development in health associated projects for social benefits. Dr Vishal Uchila Shishir, Director, Section Infin-8 Foundation and Shri N Vinaya Hegde, Hon'ble Chancellor Nitte (DU) exchanged the MoU. Nitte (DU) was represented by Dr Shantharam Shetty, Pro-Chancellor, Dr Satheesh Kumar Bhandary, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, Dr Alka Kulkarni, Registrar, Dr Iddya Karunasagar Advisor Research and Patents, Dr Indrani Karunasagar, Director, Projects and DST TEC and the legal advisor Mr Nithyachetan Chakravarthi. Section infin-8 was represented by Dr Vishal Uchila Shishir and Mr Vishwas Uchila Shishir. The MoU will help in translation of currently available technologies at DST TEC and help to find prospective start-ups and entrepreneurs for scaling up the products developed. The technologies currently available relate to nutraceuticals, ready-to-eat products and a few technologies for aquaculture.

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Jigsaw Bio Solutions Pvt Ltd

4. An MoU was signed between Jigsaw Bio Solutions Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru and DST TEC, Nitte University on 10th March 2022, with the focus being development of diagnostic kits.

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DST NU-TEC, Nitte (DU) and St Joseph’s Engineering College signs a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate in undertaking investigations to explore various interdisciplinary research and development programmes on April 13, 2021. The MoU was signed by Rev. Fr Wilfred Prakash D’Souza Director, St Joseph’s Engineering College and Prof. Dr Alka Kulkarni, Registrar, Nitte (DU) in the august presence of Prof. Dr Satheesh Kumar Bhandary, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, Nitte (DU), Prof. Dr M.S. Moodithaya, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Nitte (DU), Dr Sudheer M, HOD Dept. of Electronics & Communications, Prof. Dr Dayakshini, Dept. of Electronics & Communications and Dr Mamatha, Assoc. Prof Dept. of Electronics & Communications St Joseph’s Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangaluru. Prof. Dr Indrani Karunasagar highlighted the importance of interdisciplinary research and MoU between institutes from different fields is a great way to be begin with. Prof. Dr Iddya Karunasagar, Advisor- Research and Patents Nitte (DU) briefed on objectives and facilities available at TEC to translate academic research into technology into market potential.

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NU-TEC the only Technology Enabling Centre in Karnataka, has taken initial steps in collaborating with the industries and academia. In this regard, MoU exchange between Canara Engineering College, and DST NU-TEC, Nitte (DU) was organised on January 13, 2021. The MoU was signed by Prof. Dr Ganesh V Bhat Principal, Canara Engineering College and Prof. Dr Alka Kulkarni, Registrar, Nitte (DU) in the august presence of Prof. Dr Satheesh Kumar Bhandary, Hon'ble ViceChancellor, Nitte (DU), Prof. Dr M.S. Moodithaya, ProVice-Chancellor, Nitte (DU), Mr Ajith Joshi Cocoordinator, and Prof. Dr Demian D’mello, HOD, Computer Science & Engineering, Canara Engineering College, Benjanapadavu, Mangaluru. Prof. Dr Iddya Karunasagar, Advisor- Research and Patents Nitte (DU) in his welcome remarks explained how collaborations help to demystify patentability of technologies and aid in moving student projects that are left in the shelves of the institutions to small start-ups. Prof. Dr Indrani Karunasagar briefed on the genesis of the agreement and how research collaboration can benefit the local societal problems, especially of the rural sector. She outlined the need for an MoU to enable a formal platform for handholding the young student and staff.

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