
NU-TEC the only Technology Enabling Centre in Karnataka, has taken initial steps in collaborating with the industries and academia. In this regard, MoU exchange between Canara Engineering College, and DST NU-TEC, Nitte (DU) was organised on January 13, 2021. The MoU was signed by Prof. Dr Ganesh V Bhat Principal, Canara Engineering College and Prof. Dr Alka Kulkarni, Registrar, Nitte (DU) in the august presence of Prof. Dr Satheesh Kumar Bhandary, Hon'ble ViceChancellor, Nitte (DU), Prof. Dr M.S. Moodithaya, ProVice-Chancellor, Nitte (DU), Mr Ajith Joshi Cocoordinator, and Prof. Dr Demian D’mello, HOD, Computer Science & Engineering, Canara Engineering College, Benjanapadavu, Mangaluru. Prof. Dr Iddya Karunasagar, Advisor- Research and Patents Nitte (DU) in his welcome remarks explained how collaborations help to demystify patentability of technologies and aid in moving student projects that are left in the shelves of the institutions to small start-ups. Prof. Dr Indrani Karunasagar briefed on the genesis of the agreement and how research collaboration can benefit the local societal problems, especially of the rural sector. She outlined the need for an MoU to enable a formal platform for handholding the young student and staff.