Events Conducted


Date : 2024-06-25

The Central Areca nut and Cocoa Marketing and Cooperative Society (CAMPCO) had funded a
project to study if the whole areca nut has toxicity at cellular and organismal level. DST TEC
enabled this funding and the activities were carried out at Nitte University Center for Science
Education and Research (NUCSER) and the AB Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences
(ABSMIDS). A consolidated project report on evaluation of the effect of areca nut aqueous
extract on cultured cells, in drosophila and zebra fish models as well as detection of oral cancer
in populations chewing areca with other ingredients was presented by the scientists of NUCSER
and ABSMIDS to the CAMPCO Management team on 25 June, 2024 at 10.00 am at DST TEC.
Prof. Dr Indrani Karunasagar, Director (Projects & DST-TEC), Nitte DU, welcomed the gathering
and gave the opening remarks, and Prof. Dr Iddya Karunasagar, Advisor (Research & Patents),
Nitte DU, introduced Dr B V Sathyanarayana to the gathering.
Dr B V Sathyanarayana, Managing Director, CAMPCO; Dr Keshava Bhat, Head of Areca Research
and Development Foundation (ARDF) and Mrs Reshama Mallya, General Manager, CAMPCO
and Mr Krishna, Agricultural officer were present. The core investigators of the project Dr
Anirban Chakraborty, Department of Molecular Genetics and Cancer, Director, Dr Anurag
Sharma, Department of Environmental Health and Toxicology, Dr Sudarshan Kini, Department
of Bio & Nanotechnology, NUCSER; and Dr Audrey M Decruz and Dr Thara Chandran,
Department of Public Health Dentistry, Dr. Pushparaj Shetty, Department of Oral and

Maxillofacial Pathology and Oral Microbiology, ABSMIDS along with the research scholars
presented the findings from the project. Overall, the results suggest that aqueous extract of
areca nut is not toxic at cellular and organism level and in the community study of population
chewing only cashew, no oral cancer was detected.

Last updated 2024-08-17 04:09:09

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World Food Safety Day-2024

Date : 2024-06-07

Link : NA

DST TEC, along with Nitte University Center for Science Education and Research (NUCER) and the Department of Public Health, K S Hegde Medical Academy (KSHEMA), and Nitte DU, jointly organised the World Food Safety Day at St Aloysius College Higher Primary School, Karnagalpady, Mangaluru, on 7 June 2024. The event consisted of a quiz competition and education about food safety with the students belonging to grades 5-7. The event was attended by around 370 students and 25 teachers of the School. The Head Mistress, Ms. Jositta Noronha, welcomed the gathering and introduced the program's organisers to the students and faculty of their school.
Dr Akshatha K, Assistant Professor NUCSER, spoke about the significance of food safety in our daily life and provided the background for the declaration of June 7 as the World Food Safety Day by the United Nations. She mentioned that this day is celebrated to raise awareness about the importance of food safety and promote actions to prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks. The day highlights the critical role that food safety plays in ensuring that everyone has access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food.
The highlight of the event at St Aloysius College Higher Primary School was an intellectually stimulating quiz competition that brought together six enthusiastic groups of students, each group consisting of two members who demonstrated their knowledge and teamwork skills. The competition comprised five rounds, including general knowledge about food hygiene, nutrition content in food, food brands, processed food and pasteurization, featuring multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blanks, picture identification and rapid-fire rounds. Mr Prajwal Jupiter Lobo, Assistant Professor Department of Public Health, KSHEMA moderated the quiz session. Conducted with fair rules and time limit, the quiz maintained a competitive yet friendly atmosphere. The top three winners of the event were awarded with cash prizes sponsored by DST TEC.
Dr Mackwin DMello, HOD of Public Health KSHEMA, Dr Caroline Dsouza, Dr Nishith, and Mr Rahul Patil, Project Associates from DST TEC, engaged the children, discussing the importance of food safety and raising awareness on the topic. Mr Padmanabh Rao from at St Aloysius College Higher Primary School thanked the organisers of the program on behalf of the management, staff and students of the School.
The event was a resounding success, highlighting the importance of food safety education and fostering a spirit of curiosity and learning among young minds.

Last updated 2024-07-01 04:26:46

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National Technology Day

Date : 2024-05-11

Link : NA

The national technology day is celebrated on May 11 every year to commemorate the successful Pokhran nuclear test conducted in 1998. The DST Technology Enabling Center, in association with Nitte University Center for Science Education and Research (NUCSER), Atal Incubation Center (AIC) Nitte and Institution Innovation Council (IIC) and the ICAR Directorate of Cashew Research (DCR), jointly organized an exposition technologies and panel discussion on May 11, 2024, in the University auditorium at Paneer Campus. Dr Dinakara Adiga, Director ICAR, DCR, was the chief guest, and Prof M S Moodithaya, the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Nitte (DU), presided over the event. 90 participants including representatives of Farmer producing organisations, entreprenuers in agri-food sector, Mr. Giridhar Prabhu, ex-President, Kanara Chamber of Commerce and Industries, scientists from DCR, Puttur, faculty and students of NUCSER were present on the occasion.
Dr Indrani Karunasagar welcomed the gathering and Dr Iddya Karunasagar emphasized the day's significance and highlighted the importance of bringing together the stakeholders in Agri-Food technology. Dr A P Achar, CEO, AIC Nitte (DU), addressed the gathering regarding the importance and market value of cash crops in this region and stressed the need to improve market potential of locally cultivable agri-food products to contribute towards the economy. The Hon’ble VC Prof M S Moodithaya mentioned how the Nitte (DU) is developing an entrepreneurship culture with active collaboration of partner institutions to develop and promote technology.
Dr Dinakara Adiga, a visionary leader, addressed critical challenges in improving agronomic practices to tackle pest and disease management. In his talk, he detailed on the present growth in the Indian economy in various sectors. He highlighted that production and consumption of cashews has drastically increased in recent years, adding to the country's rising economy. He advised that technological advancement would be needed on product development and automatization, which can resolve the problem of labor scarcity. He also emphasised that more value-added organic products need to be produced to ensure complete utilisation of the organic agri products.
Ms Gabriella D’Cruz, a scientist and entrepreneur, The Good Ocean- seaweed-producing firm in Goa, was the invited speaker. She narrated her journey of becoming an entrepreneur and developing a seaweed processing firm. She explained the nutritional value of seaweed and how it can be used to address the deficiency of vitamins and minerals. She also discussed the challenges associated with seaweed culture and consumption, like sustainable biomass supply, crustacean allergies, and the requirement of cold chains for maintaining freshness and overcoming fishy smell and taste to improve product palatability.
A panel discussion session was held with the panelists that included Mr Giridhar Prabhu, CEO Achal Cashews, Ms Gabriella D’Cruz, Dr Mamatha B S, Assistant Professor, NUCSER, Dr Balasubramanian, Principal Scientist, ICAR, DCR, Mr Ravish Kumar, Entrepreneur- Sharanya Enterprises. The entire session was moderated by Dr Iddya Karunasagar. During the discussion, the panelist briefed about various agri-food products in their sector, like seaweed, cashews, ice-creams with natural flavours, and value addition to whey, a dairy waste. They also discussed on the gaps, practical problems faced by the sector and potential research areas that needs to be focused, for instance, effective extraction of pro-anthocyanin, a component of anacardic acid that has anticancer properties, development of higher-yielding varieties of cashew, etc.
The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr Anirban Chakraborty. The participants visited the technological exposition of technologies and products developed at NUCSER and at DCR Puttur and discussed the technologies with scientists.

Last updated 2024-05-23 06:31:46

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PAG meeting

Date : 2023-11-23

Link : NA

PAG meeting for the DST-NUTEC was held on 23 November 2023 at the DST NUTEC, Paneer campus. Dr Iddya Karunasagar, Advisor, Research & Patents, Nitte DU presented a detailed report of the activities of the centre for the year October 2022 to October 2023 and Dr Indrani Karunasgar moderated the entire session. The TEC activities were reviewed and evaluated by DST representatives Dr Anita Aggarwal HoD, Technology Development Transfer, Department of Science and Technology, GoI, New Delhi (online), Dr Karishnakanth Pulicherla Scientist E, Technology Development Transfer, Department of Science and Technology, GoI, New Delhi and DST NUTEC advisor Dr K Sankaran, Anna University, Chennai. Prof Dr MS Moodithaya Vice Chancellor Nitte DU chaired the committee and delivered the opening remarks. Partner institute representatives Dr Rio D’Souza, Principal St. Joseph Engineering College, Dr Ganesh Prabhu, Principal Canara Engineering College and emeritus Prof Shridhar, Mangalore University explained how DST NUTEC enabled their activities towards technology transfer, patents and obtaining funds. Industry Partners Dr Ashwin Rai, Aquatic Biosystems; Mr Anand, Mangalore Biotech Lab and Mr Srinivasa Raju (online)- Jigsaw BioSolutions discussed on the research needs. In house members Dr Harsha Halahalli Registrar, Nitte DU, Mr Punit Rai, a representative from the AIC, NMAMIT, Dr Anirban Chakraborty, Director NUCSER and Dr CS Shastry, Principal NGSMIPS were also present as invitees at the committee meeting.

Last updated 2023-11-28 10:48:14

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World food day 2023

Date : 2023-10-27

Link : NA

DST Technology Enabling and NUCSER jointly organized “World food day 2023”. The event was combination of food day theme-related talks, food fest and various competitions for students making an effort to actively enroll and bring under common roof experts in the field, students, staff, and stakeholders. Every year on October 16, people worldwide come together to commemorate the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization. The theme of World Food Day 2023 is ‘Water is Life, Water is Food. Leave No One Behind.’ Water Conservation journalist, Mr. Shri Padre, Rtd Principal Scientist CFTRI, Mysore, Dr Annu Appaiah, Rtd Senior Fishery Officer, FAO, and advisor research and patents, Prof Dr Iddya Karunasagar and Director TEC Prof Dr Indrani Karunasagar delivered the keynote lectures. Prof Dr Smitha Hegde welcomed the audience and Prof Dr Iddya Karunasgar introduced the keynote speakers.
Prof Dr Indrani Karunasagar gave a keynote lecture on the water- the exlir of life. She briefed on how anthropogenic activities deteriorate water quality. She further explained how the detection of indicator organisms provides a simple, rapid, and cost-effective technique to monitor pathogens and how their presence is indicative of water contamination. For the benefit of students, she explained various principles, techniques, and enumeration rules for analyzing the data. She detailed on standards set by WHO and WOAH required to meet drinking water quality and also explained various waterborne diseases. A discussion session was followed at the end of each lecture. The program ended with a vote of thanks proposed by Dr Mamatha, HoD, Food Safety and Biotechnology, NUCSER

Last updated 2024-02-15 09:19:09

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Date : 2023-09-04

Link : NA

Young entrepreneurs development program ‘STARTUP-NITTE’ was developed by Atal Incubation Centre, Nitte, Institution Innovation Council and NU-TEC to provide a platform for students and faculty members of Nitte (DU) to build startup around the research projects developed. The Inaugural ceremony of Startup Nitte was organized on 04 Sept 2023. The top 100 ideas were shortlisted from the total applications which were presented to team of experts in the business idea conclave held on 14 Oct 2023. The top 25 ideas were selected by the experts from various field for bootcamp session. The selected candidates are currently undergoing the preincubation training and will be further supported for protype development to come out with structured business model.

Last updated 2024-02-15 08:34:45

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Date : 2023-09-04

Link : NA

The inaugural ceremony of Startup Nitte was organized on September 4, 2023. Dr. Iddya Karunasagar, Advisor (Research and Patents) in his opening remarks, emphasized the need for start-up initiatives to foster innovation, economic growth, and societal development. Dr. AP Achar CEO of AIC, Nitte, outlined the process of startup program. He provided specifics on the numerous grants, selection processes, and types of support provided at each stage. Prof. Dr. MS Moodithaya, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Nitte (DU), explained how the Nitte fraternity could avail support to accommodate their startup venture along with their routine work schedule at the institute. Shri Thaneshwar Singh, co-founder of Lentra Business Solution Pvt Ltd was the guest of honor. He discussed various sources of obtaining funds and encouraged everyone, no matter how small or big the idea, to take a chance, convert their startup ideas, and establish a business. Dr. Srinikethan motivated the audience to submit their startup ideas to make the best use of the opportunity that was specially created to support the Nitte group.

Last updated 2023-11-18 06:51:26

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Date : 2023-08-21

A meeting of patent applicants of Health Sciences institutions of Nitte University was held on 21 Aug 2023 at Chintana Hall, KS Hegde Hospital, Mangalore. About 20 patent applicants attended the meeting. Dr. Indrani Karunasagar, Director, DST TEC welcomed all the participants and highlighted the need to commercialise patents. Dr. M.S. Moodithaya, Vice Chancellor emphasized that this meeting was to create more awareness about business possibilities of intellectual property and the need to demystify this among academicians. He explained types of Companies that can be formed – proprietary, partnership, private limited and public limited. He urged the patent applicants to make use of the facilities Dr. Iddya Karunasagar explained about the policies of the University - Intellectual Property Rights and Technology Policy and Startup and Entrepreneurship Policy and how faculty could take advantage of the provisions. The participants asked for clarifications on the steps to avail pre-incubation and incubation facilities at Atal Incubation Center, Nitte. There was also discussion on the process of technology transfer to established companies. Dr. Iddya Karunasagar gave examples of technology transfer agreements executed previously and non-disclosure agreement before discussions about technology. Dr. Srinikethan spoke on behalf of AIC Nitte and the present status of incubates. He highlighted the need to have more faculty from Nitte institutions to avail incubation and seed fund facility at AIC Nitte.

Last updated 2023-08-22 05:39:18

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Official launch of FAO Reference Centers

Date : 2023-06-23

FAO has designated four institutions globally as FAO Reference Centers for Antimicrobial Resistance and Aquatic Biosecurity; two in China, one in USA and one in India at Nitte (DU), Mangalore. The official launch of these centres took place on 26 June 2023 at the FAO Headquarters, Rome. The program was webcasted in all the six UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish). The Keynote speech on behalf of Nitte management was delivered by Pro Chancellor Mr. Vishal Hegde (online). The Indian Ambassador to Italy along with Ambassadors from China and the US were present to witness the launch.
Dr. Indrani Karunasagar and Dr. Iddya Karunasagar represented Nitte University. The following are the additional dignitaries from the designated centres and FAO representatives: Dr. Melba B. Reantaso, team leader, Ms Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director General, FAO; Dr. Keith Sumption Chief Veterinary officer FAO; Mr. Mannel Barange, Director, Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, FAO; Dr. Audun Lem, Director Director, Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, FAO; Dr Mark Keenum, President, Mississippi State University, Mr Xiangming Lin, Vice President, Chinese Academy of Fisheries Science (CAFS), Ms Wang Qing, Division Director, Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute CAFS; Mr Zhang Qingli, Division director, Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute, CAFS.

Last updated 2023-11-18 05:11:41

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World Food Safety Day 2023

Date : 2023-06-07

The United Nations has declared June 7th as World Food Safety day to highlight the importance of food safety and the role all players in food chain – from primary production to consumption or from farm to plate. The theme of World Food Safety Day 2023 is “Food standards save lives”. But food standards and science based and too complex for the food industry to understand. To create awareness about food safety standards and improve the understanding about these in the industry, Nitte DST Technology Enabling Center, in collaboration with the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), Kanara Chamber of Commerce and Industries (KCCI) and Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) organized a Worshop on “Understanding food safety standards” at Ocean Pearl Hotel on June 7th, 2023. The workshop was attended by over 70 participants including food business operators, small scale producer organization and academia. Inaugurating the workshop, Prof Dr. M.S. Modithaya, Vice Chancellor, Nitte University highlighted the impact of food processing and out eating habits on food safety. Mr. Ananthesh Prabhu, Vice President, KCCI indicated that the workshop meets the request from food industries in the region. Dr. Divya Suresh from FSSAI spoke about the need to create awareness about food safety standards and processes to meet these standards. In the technical session, Dr. Debabrata Kanungo, former chairman of FSSAI Scientific Panel on Pesticide Residues explained about the scientific process of food safety risk assessment with respect of food additives, contaminants. toxins and pesticides. He elaborated on the functioning of international risk assessment bodies like Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) and Joint meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR). Dr Iddya Karunasagar, former Chairman of FSSAI scientific Panel on biological hazards explained about microorganisms in foods and the scientific basis for setting microbiological standards. He elaborated on the need to follow good hygienic practices and HACCP to produce food meeting the standards. He also gave examples of microbiological standards in Codex Alimentarius Commission and the risk assessments carried out by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Microbiological Risk Assessment (JEMRA). The discussions were moderated by Dr. Indrani Karunasagar. She connected the deliberations of the workshop with the theme of World Food safety Day 2023 and emphasized on the need to understand the basis for food safety standards and the best practices that food business operators from farm to plate need to follow to comply with the standards. The discussions covered improving food hygiene and food safety in all segments of the food industry including street vendors, quality control, certifications and accreditations required by food testing laboratories. Dr. Krishna Kumar, MD CAMPCO informed the participants about food handler training being conducted by CAMPCO at the chocolate factory in Puttur. The meeting ended with vote of thanks to all the resource persons and participants.

Last updated 2023-06-09 05:21:59

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Date : 2023-05-11

On the occasion of National Technology Day, 2023, five technology developers and partner industries were felicitated at Nitte University on May 11. Padmashri Dr. S. Ayyappan, former Director General of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) was the Chief Guest and Dr. S. K. Pattanayak, former Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India was the Guest of Honour. On this occasion, Dr. S. Ayyappan highlighted the theme of National Technology Day, “From School toStartup – igniting young minds to innovate”. Dr. Ayyappan provided examples ofinnovative technologies that have transformed our lives during the last 4 to 5 decades. He emphasized the need to apply innovative methods to ensure food security in the context of climate change. He highlighted the need to work in the framework of one health to ensure food safety and minimize antimicrobial resistance. Dr. Iddya Karunasagar provided an account of the technologies developed at Nitte and licensed to entrepreneurs for commercialization. Of these, betel tea has already been introduced into the market by M/S Eshanya Beverages. Due to interdisciplinary collaboration between dental professionals and engineers, a medical device“periodontal probe” has been developed and this has led to the formation of a Startup Company Dentronics Pvt Ltd. Another technology released is for rapid detection of foodborne pathogen Salmonella to be commercialized by M/S Biokart India Pvt Ltd. This is very important for dairy, meat and fish industries since the Food Safety and Standards Authority (FSSAI) has zero tolerance for the presence of Salmonella in processed foods. The test kit developed at Nitte can be used even under field conditions. The technology for control of diseases caused by Vibrio spp in aquaculture using bacteriophages as alternatives to antibiotics was licensed to M/S Mangalore Biotech Laboratory. A test kit for detection of Vibrio vulnificus, another pathogen that can cause serious infections in immunocompromised people has been developed at Nitte in partnership with M/S Jigsawbio Solutions Pvt Ltd. On National Technology Day, developers of these technologies and representatives of Company that have taken the technology were felicitated by the Chief Guest, Dr. Ayyappan and Guest of Honour, Dr. S.K. Pattanayak. Dr. Iddya Karunasagar presented the importance of the technologies and explained role of DST Technology enabling Center in enabling the technologies that have been taken up by companies for commercialization. On the occasion of National Technology Day, the Guest of honour, Dr. S.K. Pattanayak, launched the recently designated FAO Reference for antimicrobial resistance. Nitte is one of the four such Centers recognized globally, the others being Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute, Guangzhou; Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Qingdao, China and Minnesota State University in USA. The FAO Reference Center at Nitte will be tasked with providing technical support to FAO activities related to awareness raising, surveillance of antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance, collaboration in one health context and capacity building. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Pattanayak urged young students to strive towards technology development and commercialization. Dr. M. Shantharam Shetty, Pro-Chancellor presided over the function and congratulated all the technology developers and their partner companies. Dr. Satheesh Kumar Bhandary, Vice Chancellor hoped that more such technologies would be enabled and transferred to industry in the years to come. Dr. Indrani Karunasagar welcomed the gathering and introduced the guests. Ms Akshatha Kotian compered the programme.

Last updated 2023-05-16 07:19:09

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Inauguration of FAO Reference centre for Antimicrobial resistance

Date : 2023-05-11

On the day National Technology celebration, FAO Reference Center for Antimicrobial Resistance was launched by Dr. S.K. Pattanayak. FAO designated four institutions globally as FAO Reference Centers for Antimicrobial Resistance and Aquatic Biosecurity. Two of these are in China and one in USA. As a FAO Reference Center, Nitte University will be collaborating with international organisations like Food And Agriculture Organisation (FAO), World Health Organisation (WHO) and World Organisation of Animal Health (WOAH, formerly, OIE). Nitte University will be involved in providing technical support for the work of these international organisations in the area of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and mitigation of AMR through implementation of biosecurity. Further Nitte University will be involved in capacity building in the South and South East Asia in AMR and biosecurity.

Last updated 2023-05-18 06:21:36

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Product launch and Press Release of Betel leaf tea

Date : 2023-04-14

Betel leaf has been known in India since ancient times. According to Skanda Purana, betel leaf is one of the celestial objects that emerged during Samudra Manthan. There is a reference to betel leaf in Charaka and Sushruta Samhitas and the medicinal properties of betel leaf were known to India even as early as 400 BC, with evidence of its use during the Harappan civilization. Even today, betel leaf is an essential component in Hindu rituals at all auspicious events, and offering a “tambula” has great significance in Indian traditional hospitality. The nutritional value of betel leaf is noteworthy, being rich in fiber, vitamins A, B, C and minerals like calcium, iron and potassium.

Nitte University DST Technology Enabling Center (DST TEC) was approached by a young entrepreneur, Mr. Sandeep Eshanya, who had a great fascination for betel leaves, having watched the betel leaf grow extensively in his native and wanted to do something to improve the utilization of this valuable resource. DST TEC encouraged and supported him by initiating the study with Dr. Mamatha B.S, faculty at Nitte University Center for Science Education and Research to work on this. With her background in food technology, in discussion with Eshanya, she developed a process for making “Betel Leaf Tea” using betel leaves. Nitte University DST Technology Enabling Center extended all support at every stage to develop a product that could be delivered to customers as “betel leaf tea bags”. The process of preparing tea bags from betel leaves without losing nutrients, medicinal properties and in original flavor or incorporating different flavors had to be standardized through extensive laboratory studies and consumer acceptance trials. The process has been protected by a shared patent. Nitte University authorized M/S Eshanya Beverages, a Startup to commercialize the technology through an agreement. M/S Eshanya Beverages incubated at the M.S.Ramaiah Institute incubator and the product is now ready for release to the market.

During the press meet on April 14, the Hon’ Vice Chancellor, Nitte University will be releasing the product to the market. Nitte University is happy to see that the research work done at the University has led to a commercial product that can reach consumers in India and overseas through a Startup, M/S Eshanya Beverages. Nitte University has developed and is implementing a Startup Policy to encourage young entrepreneurs to work with University Faculty to develop and commercialize products. The support of the Technology Enabling Centre of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India awarded to Nitte University is gratefully acknowledged. There are some other products that are at pilot scale or at market-ready stage and these will be released during National Technology Day celebration at Nitte University on May 11, 2023.

Last updated 2023-04-15 05:13:27

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Interactive session with G Giridhar Prabhu, Achal group

Date : 2023-04-11

An interactive meeting was conducted with G Giridhar Prabhu, Achal group on 11 April 2023 to discuss the possible research innovation in the cashew product. Mr G Giridhar Prabhu discussed various research requirements in the cashew industry, which can be taken up as a project by academicians. The various research aspects discussed are
•Development of a moisture meter to enumerate the moisture content in cashews,
•Product, process, and marketing innovation of the cashew
•To develop a value-added health product from anacardic acid, an exclusive component derived from cashew shells.
•Glycemic index of cashew nut and nutritional value in diabetic patients
•Process innovation in cashew apple liquor

Last updated 2023-05-18 06:44:36

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Ideation drive -2023

Date : 2023-02-20

Ideation drive innovation in Biomedical Science was conducted between 19 Feb 2023 to 10 March 2023 to spark innovation in the area of digital health, healthcare, agriculture & food technology and waste management. A total of 29 proposal were received under various categories from various institutions of the state; Gardencity University, Bengaluru, NMAMIT, Nitte, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Mangaluru, Justice K S Hegde Institute of Management, Nitte, Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal, A.B. Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences, Nitte University Centre for Science Education & Research, SASTRA Deemed University, Nitte Usha Institute of Nursing Sciences, NGSM Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nitte Institute of Physiotherapy & SDM Research Institute for Biomedical Sciences (SDMRIBS). Evaluation was done based on novelty, translational feasibility, application, differentiation from existing technology by the experts in the respective field. Winners of ideation drive were selected to participate in medical hackathon conduced on 5-7 May 2023 to provide mentorship and support entrepreneurship.

Last updated 2023-05-17 10:19:10

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Date : 2022-11-30

Food and Agriculture Organisation of United Nations designated four Reference Centers in antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and aquatic Biosecurity in October, 2022. The designated Centers are (a) Mississippi State University, USA (b) Nitte University, India (c) Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute , China (PRFRI) and (d) Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute (YSFRI). A virtual launch of these Reference Centers took place on zoom platform on November 30, 2022. Dr. Audun Lem, Deputy Director, Aquaculture and Fisheries Division declared the launch open. Dr. Melba Reantaso, Team Leader, Food Safety, Nutrition and Health outlined the main objectives and mandates of the FAO Reference Ceners. The meeting was attended by over 200 fisheries and aquaculture professionals all over the globe. Dr. Indrani Karunasagar explained the workplan of Nitte FAO Reference Center and Dr. Iddya Karunasagar introduced the newly adopted Codex Guidelines for risk analysis of antimicrobial resistance.

Last updated 2022-12-29 05:21:26

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DST NUTEC facilitated project on improving the ocean alkalinity

Date : 2022-11-14

DST NUTEC facilitated project of Dr Arvind Singh, Physical laboratory, Ahmedabad, recipient of DST Swarna Jayanthi fellow. The project focuses on improving the ocean alkalinity. In this regard four research scholars from the National Physical laboratory, Ahmedabad carried out a part of the project in NUCSER during the period 14 Nov 2022 to 29 Nov 2022. Dr Singh visited TEC on 21 Nov 2022 to further discuss on mesocosm experiments related to climate change.

Last updated 2023-09-28 04:18:49

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Research collaboration and student exchange programmes with University of Gothenburg,

Date : 2022-11-11

DST TEC facilitated the research collaboration and student exchange programmes in public health domain between Nitte University and Sahlgrenska Medical Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Ms Evelina Nystrom, International Coordinator, Sahlgrenska Academy International Office, Dr Monica Hunsberger Faculty, Public Health, Dr Lovestag Solveig, Faculty, Public Health visited Nitte University in this regard. Dr Audrey public health dentistry, ABSMIDS and Mr Mackwin D’mello, Public Health department, KSHEMA coordinated with their visit to rural health centres at Nitte and Sasihithlu. An official exchange MoU took place on 11 Nov 2022

Last updated 2022-12-29 10:42:46

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Interactive session with food Industries-World food Day

Date : 2022-10-18

Link : NA

World Food Day 2022 was organized by the Nitte University Technology Enabling Center (NUTEC) at Paneer campus with an
interactive discussion session with food industry representatives and other stakeholders on 18 October, 2022. World Food Day
marks the foundation of Food and Agriculture Organisation of United nations and the theme of 2022 World Food Day was “Leave
no one behind” in the march towards better food production, better nutrition, better environment and better life. The event was
organized in partnership with Kanara Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), FSSAI, MSME
Development and Facilitation Office (DFO), South Regional Office of International Federation of Inventor’s Association (IFIA) and
partner institutions. The discussion was around four major themes (a) Technological needs of food industries (b) Food processing
machineries (c) food safety and quality (d) regulation and compliance.

Last updated 2023-02-20 09:07:06

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Annual Review meeting of TEC

Date : 2022-09-17

The annual review meeting of Nitte University Technology Enabling Centre was held on 17 Sept 2022 at the TEC Centre, Paneer Campus, Mangaluru. Programme Advisory Group (PAG) expert, Prof Dr Gurumoorthy, DST Representatives, Dr Anita Aggarwal, Dr Krishna Kanth Pulicherla and the team from TEC Amrita headed by Prof Dr Krishna Shree and 2 members attended the meeting. The PAG meeting had 65 participants comprising academic and industry partners. Other dignitaries included the Chairman of TEC, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Satheesh Kumar Bhandary, TEC Advisor and Head, Research & Patent, Prof Dr Iddya Karunasagar, Director TEC, Prof Dr Indrani Karunasagar, TEC Faculty, Industrial partners from CAMPCO, Puttur, Eshanaya Beverages, Mysore, Antidote, Delhi, Mangalore Biotech Lab, Section Infin-8 Foundation, Mangaluru, Jigsaw Bio Solutions Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru, Aquatic Biosystems, Mangaluru and academic partners from Canara Engineering College, Mangaluru, St Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru, SDUAHER, Kolar Medical College and members from constituent colleges of Nitte. All participants actively involved themselves in the discussion at the meeting.
The meeting began with Prof Dr Indrani Karunasagar, Director TEC, welcoming the committee members and presenting a detailed report of the activities of the centre. Chairperson of TEC, Nitte (DU), Prof Dr Satheesh Kumar Bhandary explained how the centre has been following the TEC mandate to reach the goal of creating an ecosystem for technology transfer and establishing a network of institutions, a collaborative community of researchers, entrepreneurs and industrialists. Dr Indrani Karunasagar, in her presentation of the activities of 2021-22, gave an account of all the meetings held, projects submitted, awarded, technologies in the pipeline, those developed and transferred, expenditure incurred, revenue generated and the budget requirements for the next year. Mr Sandeep Eshanya whose technology on betel leaf tea and Ms Nadia from Antidote, Delhi for a spray dried technology for almond milk expressed their gratitude and their experience with TEC at the meeting. Both the products are almost market ready and have been case studies that prove the purpose for which the TECs were created by the DST. Students and young entrepreneurs shared their ideas with the officials in the meeting. They will be further enabled at the TEC. EAG member Prof B. Gurumurthy and DST officials Dr Anita Aggarwal and Dr Krishna Kanth Pulicherla commended the activities of the centre and congratulated the team for achieving the targets slated.

Last updated 2022-10-11 10:36:14

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TEC supports pilot scale processing for the Vegan product company Antidote

Date : 2022-09-05

The Technology Enabling Centre facilitated the development of technology for the production of almond milk. A technology transfer agreement was signed between Nitte (DU) & Antidote, New Delhi. Dr Mamatha BS & Dr Feby Luckose were deputed to CFTRI, Mysore during 5-7 Sept 2022, for the pilot scale processing of almond milk. The product will now be available for pilot marketing as a start-up requirement. Spray-dried almond milk powder is an innovative product that can replace conventional dairy milk for making beverages, smoothies and soups. Using spray drying technology, liquid almond milk was transformed into a dehydrated form by short time exposure to high-temperature air.
This product will be particularly useful for those individuals with lactose intolerance. The main advantages of this spray dried technology for preparing nut based milk are long shelf-life, the inhibition of fermentation, all nutrients being retained and reduced volume for storage and transportation.

Last updated 2022-10-12 05:30:23

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Visit to Medorganics India Pvt Limited

Date : 2022-05-16

Dr Iddya Karunasagar Advisor Research and Patents Dr Indrani Karunasagar Director TEC visited on 16 May 2022, Medorganics India Pvt Limited, leading manufacturer of Herbal & Nutraceutical Products based at Baikampady, Mangaluru for collaborations related to technology transfer and commercialization of products available at the Technology Enabling Centre and support the industry with patenting their products.

Last updated 2022-06-16 06:01:11

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Nitte DU collaborates with FAO Regional Office and INFOFISH to organize the terminal workshop of FAO project

Date : 2021-11-24

FAO supported project TCP/RAS/3702 is being implemented in three countries – India, Indonesia and Vietnam. The project is expected to deliver the following outputs:
Output 1 – Baseline information on use and governance of antimicrobials in aquaculture commodities are generated and awareness of AMR risks associated with aquaculture is enhanced among the different stakeholders.
Output 2 – National laboratory capacity for effective surveillance and monitoring of AMR associated with aquaculture enhanced.
Output 3 – Good health management practices for aquaculture commodities in the participating countries are developed and disseminated to farmers.
Output 4 – Legislative framework for effective governance of AMU in aquaculture and national strategy and action plan and effective mitigating, surveillance and minoring of AMR risk associated with aquaculture are developed.
The overall objective of this terminal workshop held on November 23-24 was to review the project outputs achieved in each of the participating countries and share the information and lessons learnt across Asia and the Pacific region. The specific objectives are to:
Share the information and experiences of AMU and AMR and understand the challenges in mitigating AMR in aquaculture in the countries;
Share the good aquaculture practices developed in the participating countries;
learn from international experiences on innovations and best practices in mitigation of AMR; and
Plan future international and regional collaboration to support mitigation of AMR in aquaculture.
Dr Iddya Karunasagar prepared the workshop programme, identified international expert speakers and moderated the workshop. INFOFISH is the Regional Intergovernmental organization involved in market information and technical advisory services in Asia and Pacific region. INFOFISH organized the IT platform and communication services for the workshop.

Last updated 2022-03-04 07:40:40

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Official Visit by Dr Anita Aggarwal to the TEC

Date : 2021-11-20

Dr Anita Aggarwal, Scientist F, TEC programme Coordinator, Department of Science and Technology, GoI visited the DST NU-TEC Centre, Mangaluru on 20th November, 2021. A meeting was organized at the center which brought together various academic institutions and industries who were in active interaction with TEC at Nitte (DU). The academic institutions included NITK, Surathkal, St Josephs Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Canara Engineering College, Benjanapadavu, SDM College Ujire, Alva’s Institute of Engineering & Technology, Moodabidri. The industries represented were Central Arecanut and Cocoa Marketing and Processing Co-operative Limited (CAMPCO), Mangalore Biotech Laboratory and Ishanya Beverages. Dr Anita Aggarwal appreciated the role of TEC in enabling the technologies that were displayed at the center and strongly recommended for the technologies to be taken forward for commercialization at the earliest. She highlighted the initiative by DST through the establishment of TECs that provided the much-needed thrust to the transfer of bench work research to technology. This would further lead to the emergence of startups and entrepreneurship skills among the youth. After a brief interaction with the TEC staff, she had an interactive session with the academic and industrial partners who attended the meeting. She presented the core mandates of DST, the various programs and schemes under the DST umbrella, vision behind establishing TEC in the university system, objectives and activities of TEC for social relevance. Representatives from industries and institution shared their experience with TEC, Nitte (DU) during the interactive session. The academic partners presented their problems related to DST project submissions and clarified all their doubts. Dr Anita Aggarwal explained the various opportunities that DST provides for research, technology development and transfer in areas of health technologies, agritech and aquaculture technologies. She emphasized that with a resourceful institute like Nitte (DU) and team strength, she hopes all institutes and industries in the region to take advantage of the TEC.

Last updated 2022-02-26 05:33:36

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IDEATION DRIVE – 2021 Health and Allied Sciences

Date : 2021-11-15

DST Technology Enabling Centre in association with the Institution Innovation Council, Nitte (DU) initiated an ideation drive to translate the ideas to technology through innovation. Best selected ideas will get a prize, mentoring support, boot camp training, start up grant support, and business development support
Phase 1: Identification of the problem
Phase 2: Discussion of the selected problems with peers from the domain to develop possible solutions
Phase 3: Development of teams for addressing the problems and possible solution
Phase 4: Review by the experts
Target Domains
Healthcare: Medical devices, diagnostics, therapeutics, nutrition, drug discovery, development of vaccines, maternal & child health, infectious diseases, Covid-19, rare and neglected diseases, patient care and safety, water & sanitation, solid waste & bio waste management
Digital Health : Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, imaging, wearables, IT in healthcare and other related sub-domains

Last updated 2022-10-12 05:06:05

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DST NU-TEC Chronicle- ‘Vigyaan Tantragyaan Anuvaadan’ release

Date : 2020-12-22

The virtual release of the first issue of DST NU-TEC Chronicle ‘Vigyaan Tantragyaan Anuvaadan’ via videoconferencing system was held on December 22, 2020 at the DST NU-TEC facility at paneer campus. The chronicle was released by Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr Satheesh Kumar Bhandary. Prof. Dr M S Moodithaya, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Prof. Dr Alka Kulkarni Registrar Nitte (DU) graced the occasion. Prof. Dr Smitha Hegde Coordinator DST NU-TEC welcomed the guest and the audience to the virtual release. Prof. Dr Indrani Karunasagar introduced DST NUTEC and spoke on various missions set by DST NU-TEC to reach the objectives set and thereby, meet the socio-economic needs of the country. The curtain raiser of DST NU-TEC Chronicle ‘Vigyaan Tantragyaan anuvaadan’ was done by Prof. Dr Iddya karunasagar, Advisor (Research and patents). A glimpse of activities of TEC held during the period of June to Sep was displayed to the audience through the Chronicle. Prof. Dr Satheesh Kumar Bhandary in his impression appreciated the efforts of Team DST NU-TEC on bring about collaborations to bridge the gap between bench work research and industrial needs. Prof. Dr M S Moodithaya highlighted that one of the key factors for success is technology in any field and how having a technology enabling center can help catch up with times. Prof. Dr Alka Kulkarni in her impressions congratulated the team on the release and shared how this project came into existence in Nitte (DU) and how university aims at translation of technology via incubation centers and TEC. The virtual release was moderated by Ms Akshatha, Junior Project Associate and was concluded with a vote of thanks proposed by Dr Krishna Kumar Co-coordinator DST NU-TEC.

Last updated 2021-02-13 04:16:49

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Book Release-‘Birds of the Campus’

Date : 2020-12-14

National Energy Conservation Day was jointly organized by Nitte University Green Initiative Project (NUGIP), National Service Scheme (NSS) and DST Nitte University-Technology Enabling Centre (DST NU-TEC) at Nitte (Deemed to be University) campus, New Auditorium, ABSMIDS building on 14th December, 2020. On this occasion NUGIP and DST NU-TEC released the book “Birds of the Campus.” Prof. Dr Smitha Hegde, NUCSER, editor of the book, introduced the book to the audience. The book contains 93 spectacular pictures of the birds along with QR codes that leads the reader to their distribution and calls. The authors of the book Dr Jagdish Gopal Paithankar, Dr Vineeth Kumar K. and Ms Gincy Joseph were felicitated and honoured. Dr A Venkata Ramana, Chairman, New Mangalore Port Trust, Panambur, was the chief guest. He elucidated the significance of the day and the urgent need for energy conservation in a rapidly developing country like ours. Sri Santhosh Kumar Rai Boliyar was the guest of honour; his insightful observations on energy and power were relevant. The Vice Chancellor of Nitte (Deemed to be University) Prof. Dr Satheesh Kumar Bhandary presided the function. In his presidential remarks he particularized the pressing needs of discovering alternative sources of energy. Prof. Dr Alka Kulkarni, Registrar of the University welcomed the gathering, Prof. Dr Sumalatha Shetty introduced the guests to the audience and Mr Shashikumar Shetty, proposed the vote of thanks.

Last updated 2021-02-13 04:20:21

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DST NU-TEC Inauguration

Date : 2020-10-23

The newly developed centre was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Chancellor, H.E. Shri Vinaya Hegde in the presence of Prof. Dr Satheesh Kumar Bhandary, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor and Prof. Dr Moodithaya, Pro-Vice-Chancellor on October 23, 2020. Prof. Dr Indrani Karunasagar, Director of TEC and Prof. Dr Smitha Hegde, Coordinator unravelled the newly-created facilities, which includes patents, IPR and technology transfer cell headed by Prof. Dr Iddya Karunasagar. The centre houses state-of-art training facilities with smart board, networking and discussion rooms, webinar and video-conferencing rooms.

Last updated 2021-02-13 04:07:58

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