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RMS elbow guard to prevent thumb/finger sucking habit in children.

A novel extra oral device – RMS elbow guardthat can prevent thumb sucking in both normal as well as disabled children is designed. wherein the child with thumb sucking habit is made to wear this said appliance which prevents the thumb/finger reaching the mouth. The claimed RMS elbow guard comprises of one elbow guard placed inside the cover with a zip, twovelcrostrap and two double wrap bag hooks.

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Mouthwash for managing radiation induced oral mucositis in patients with Head and Neck Cancer.

A herbal mouthwash based on phytoconstituents and antioxidant potential having therapeutic properties were developed. More specifically it relates to herbal extract based mouthwash which is effective in managing radiation induced oral mucositis in patients with Head and Neck Cancer and the process for the preparation of the same in physiologically acceptable forms and with the herbal product having desired efficacy and long acting.

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"Calibrated Base Formers for Preparation of Study Casts in Dentistry"

The device is able to accurately position the dental casts within the base formers and it is easy and convenient for the user to prepare the study casts in a scientifically accepted design with appropriate dimensions. The material consideration is with respect to total no interaction
of moisture and rust formation. Non-corrosive stainless steel material is used for rigidity, and stability and to avoid any bending loads. The design has been further optimized to give digital instrumentation for better readability and ease of working. The device has two detachable platforms for holding the upper and lower casts The platform for the upper cast is movable vertically and a calibrated scale measures the height and is recorded digitally. The two platforms are parallel to each other and to the floor, making it easy for the proper orientation of the upper and lower dental casts. The base formers can also be moved in sagittal plane for the accurate positioning of the casts.

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Wheel Chair with double scissor jack mechanism for height adjustment for Creeping Patients

This product objective (which has come out, looking at the necessity of a very elderly person), is to design a Height Adjustable Wheelchair. This will be manual wheelchair, where the seat of the wheelchair can be lowered close to the ground level and can be raised to a suitable height. Thus a person can be made to sit on the lowered seat of the wheelchair by crawling on the ground and once he sits, a caretaker
can raise the seat using the suitable lever mechanism to an appropriate height. Similarly, while deporting from the wheelchair, it must be possible to lower the seat to the ground level and do the needful. The entire wheelchair setup must be sturdy and must have proper balance. It must also be cost effective in high volume production and easy to operate.

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Process for the preparation of Lipid free protein hydrolysates from ribbon fish

Fish protein hydrolysates have lipid content of 28-30% and this lowers the protein content as well as its ACE-I inhibitory activity per gram weight, thus making it less efficient as a functional food. We have, for the first time developed a process for producing lipid free protein
hydrolysates with improved ACE-I inhibitory activity with non-significant change in physio-chemical parameters. The product is of commercial importance for its enhanced ACE-I activity which can replace the synthetic drugs available for hypertension causing lot of side effects.

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Technology for removal of cadmium from contaminated water using non-living, microparticular biomass

A novel process for efficient cadmium removal from water samples was developed. The level of cadmium removal is efficient using non-living microparticulte biomass from the commonly available fern Tectaria coadunata. The water and wastewater treatment industry is constantly looking for cheaper options for bio-sorption and technologies that can provide higher rate of metal removal per surface unit and higher recovery of cadmium. This technology holds potential for commercialization to develop biosorption agent in water filters, water purifiers and other water purification systems. It is an economically feasible, sustainable and eco-friendly technology for removal of the toxic and widely prevalent heavy metal from contaminated water bodies.

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Rapid and cost efficient method for extraction of DNA from dermatophytes

A lysis buffer suitable for lysing the mycelia of dermatophytes and works rapidly in combination with lyticase buffer, which was earlier used only for fungal spores is developed. The entire process has been designed to yield high quality DNA from dermatophyte mycelia and the time span with this process has been reduced from 3 hours to 30 min

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Alterable Orthodontic Torque Brackets

The orthodontic brackets that are available in the market have high, standard or low torque. This novel design is the one, which gives the operator the freedom to change the torque during the course of the treatment. Variable torque brackets are available in the market with only with fixed torque values

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Radioopque contrast media for root canal visualisation in endodontics

Dental pulp space anatomy in the human dentition is quite complex. Patent lateral and accessory canals may form the pathways of infection from pulp space to periodontal ligament or vice versa. Although the role of accessory canals is debatable in endodontic treatment, their radiographic identification may assist in the assessment of potential endodontic failure. a new formulation of radio-opaque contrast medium in which the chief ingredient is Iopamidol, which is a non-ionic water soluble radiopaque contrast medium 50% + 2.25% sodium hypochlorite + 17% EDTA + Tween80. The Iopamidol comprises a radiopaque iodine solution and a sodium hypochlorite solution. The iodine solution comprises diatrizoate meglumine and sodium iodine. The iodine solution and sodium hypochlorite solution are mixed in a ratio of between 5:95 to 95:5, by volume, preferably, 30:70 to 70:30, by volume. A ratio of between 45:55 to 55:45 by volume is found to be more effective. The solution is particularly effective for visualizing root canal systems. The sodium hypochlorite in the composition will digest pulp in the canal system and destroy and remove any organisms and irritants residing in. The iodine in the solution will enable a dentist to take a high contrast X-ray to visualize in three-dimensions. The solution is particularly effective for visualizing root canal systems

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Modified reverse twin block with applied force for dental correction in skeletal class III malocclusion

Skeletal class III correction has always been focused on protruding the maxilla and to prevent further growth of the mandible. This modified reverse twin block appliance has shown success in retruding the mandible by a variable 2 degree. It is an intra oral myofunctional appliance which can be used in the correction of skeletal class III patients. It is designed as a modification of the conventional Reverse Twin Block combining the effect of the force applied in Bone Anchorage Maxillary Protraction Device (BAMP) protocol. One of the major advantages of this appliance is the backward rotation of Mandible, which cannot be achieved by any other appliance. Hence it can be used to treat cases of Skeletal Class III combined with Mandibular Prognathism.

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Orthodontic Bracket Positioner with Simultaneous Horizontal and Vertical Axis Adjustment Device

In orthodontics, the accurate positioning of the bracket on to the teeth surface is a key step in orthodontic treatment. Currently two different instruments, bracket holder and bracket positioning jigs are used. Further, bracket positioning jigs contain multiple jigs based on the height used to position the bracket. The utility of the present design is to combine the uses of both bracket holder and bracket positioning jigs into one device so that to reduce working time, cross contamination, cost and also number of instruments used for the procedure.
The device will be able to accurately position the brackets on to the teeth surface and can be useful in adjusting the bracket in both horizontal and vertical axis of the teeth. The device contains bracket holder which helps in holding and placing the bracket on to the teeth surface, the back of the device contains bracket positioning jig which is used for adjusting the bracket both in horizontal and vertical axis of the teeth. The device has one movable horizontal arm which is adjusted by a screw and one fixed vertical arm

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Unique primers for rapid detection test for SARS-CoV-2 using loop-mediated isothermal amplification

NAAT (Nucleic Acid Amplification Test)-based RT-LAMP assay is a rapid, robust, and
cost-effective (significantly cheaper than currently available RT-qPCR and anybody testing
kit) point-of-care detection for SARS-CoV-2 since testing of SARS-CoV-2 in large
populations is crucial for diagnosis, epidemiology, and surveillance. Currently, only the
RT-qPCR test is being used for detection. This requires expensive equipment and a wellequipped laboratory to perform the test. The rapid RT-LAMP could be helpful for this
screening purpose, since the results can be delivered in a few hours, and the assay is based
on isothermal amplification and visual detection, it can be performed in a simple water bath
or a small heating block, which can be made available even at a rural primary health centre.
This way, even people living in rural areas will have access to COVID-19 tests.

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Almond-oats milk powder

Almond oats milk powder is a 100% vegan nutritious blend of nut milk with cereal milk having mild and pleasant taste. The product gets easily reconstituted in hot water and is a very good source of energy, proteins, riboflavin, manganese, and copper. It can be stored in airtight containers at room temperature for 6 months. It is an excellent milk alternative for people with lactose intolerance. It can also be added to beverages to enhance flavour and improve the smoothness in the texture of the product.
Ingredients: Almond (65%) and oats (35%).

Nutritional information (per 100 g)
Energy (kcal) 410
Carbohydrate (g) 69
Protein (g) 9.2
Fat (g) 11.5
Fibre (g) 5.71

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Multi-lentil adai mix

A high protein, naturally gluten free multi lentil mix is a nutritious combination of different dals and rice. The 100% vegan powder can be mixed with water or curd to make a smooth batter for preparing dosa/adai, pancakes, crepes and idli. It is a healthy breakfast option in line with local taste palates. It does not contain any preservatives and is low in salt.
Ingredients: Rice, chick peas, pigeon peas, green gram, horse gram, black gram, red chillies, fenugreek, cumin seeds and salt.
Importance: High protein, low fat, naturally gluten free, convenient and shelf stable multipurpose mix developed with minimal processing and no added preservatives or chemicals. The product has high dietary fibre content. It needs no refrigeration and is stable at room temperature for 6 months when stored in a cool dry place.

Nutritional information (per 100 g)
Energy (kcal) 305
Carbohydrate (g) 56
Protein (g) 16
Fat (g) 2.5
Fibre (g) 11

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Spray dried soup powder with antihypertensive properties

Soup powder is a nutraceutical product exhibits antihypertensive properties without causing any side effects to the body. The active compound used is completely natural and proven no toxic effect to the body. It is an innovative approach to maintain balanced blood pressure for mild hypertensive patients through food.

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Cereal based edible cup

Cereal based edible cup is being developed in an effort to limit the usage of single-use plastic cups. This is an innovative product developed using cereals and food wastes. The cup can be used to serve hot soup, coffee, tea and also other beverages. These cups can be eaten along with the food and provides micro and macronutrients. If discarded it also easily degrades. The cups have long shelf life without any change in odour and taste.
Biodegradable edible cup has the potential to reduce traditional polymeric packaging materials. The presence of micro and macro nutrients also an additional property of the developed cup. Commercialisation of this edible cup will be an great effort to reduce food waste and also limit the usage of plastic cups.

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Lutein Nano supplement

Lutein nano supplement is an innovative approach aimed to improve absorption of lutein in the body. The formulation contains emulsified lutein in edible fat. This product is completely safe for consumption and the components used are of GRAS status. The supplement can be consumed directly or can be added to milk for improved palatability. The formulation is rich in lutein and ensures improved absorption. The recommended serving size is 10 mL which will give the consumer daily recommended content of lutein. Lutein is a natural antioxidant which is claimed to prevent several consequences of modern-day lifestyle changes. This formulation can also delay onset of macular and neuro-degeneration.

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Automatic Shoe Storage and Delivery System

It would be useful for temples, hospitals, and laboratories, where entry with shoes is not permitted. Fully automated, no manual handling of shoes.

Patented system: Indian Patent No 465734

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Technology for producing jackfruit flour

Gluten free flour from mature unripe jackfruit prepared without any added preservatives.


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Energy (Kcal) 360
Total fat (g) 1
Total carbohydrates (g) 80
Protein (g) 7
Dietary fiber (g) 13
Soluble fiber (g) 3.4

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Ready to prepare carotenoid rich breakfast mix technology

Lutein rich multipurpose mix for preparation of a wide varieties of traditional Indian breakfast dishes like Idli, Upma, Dosa etc. Lutein is a vital nutrient that protects eyes from age related macular degeneration.


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Energy (Kcal) 379.5
Total fat (g) 5.1
Total carbohydrates (g) 72
Protein (g) 11.4
Lutein (mg) 6.2

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Ready to reconstitute spray dried whey-fruit juice (Pineapple flavour) beverage technology

Spray dried beverage prepared from whey and pineapple juice that can be easily reconstituted in water. Contains no preservatives or artificial flavouring substances.


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Protein (g) 56
Carbohydrate (g) 36
Fat (g) 2
Fibre (g) 1
Minerals (g) 5
Energy (Kcal) 380

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Ready to reconstitute spray dried whey-fruit juice (Mango flavour) beverage technology

Spray dried beverage prepared from whey and mango juice that can be easily reconstituted in water. Contains no preservatives or artificial flavouring substances.


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Protein (g) 56
Carbohydrate (g) 38
Fat (g) 2
Fibre (g) 1
Minerals (g) 5
Energy (Kcal) 395

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Ready to reconstitute spray dried whey-fruit juice (Jackfruit flavour) beverage technology

Spray dried beverage prepared from whey and jackfruit juice that can be easily reconstituted in water. Contains no preservatives or artificial flavouring substances.


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Protein (g) 56
Carbohydrate (g) 40
Fat (g) 2
Fibre (g) 1
Energy (Kcal) 405

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Technology for producing intermediate moisture (Chicken) meat

Dried Chicken jerky that is stable at room temperature for 30 days. Contains no synthetic preservatives. Preserved with natural ingredients like salt, spices and condiments.


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Energy (Kcal) 360
Total fat (g) 3.5
Total carbohydrates (g) 5
Protein (g) 60
Minerals (g) 6
Crude fiber (g) 1

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Technology for producing intermediate moisture (Mutton) meat

Dried Mutton jerky that is stable at room temperature for 30 days. Contains no synthetic preservatives. Preserved with natural ingredients like salt, spices and condiments.


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Energy (Kcal) 370
Total fat (g) 4.2
Total carbohydrates (g) 5
Protein (g) 65
Minerals (g) 7
Crude fiber (g) 1.2

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Bacteriophage consortium for control of Vibriosis in aquaculture

Vibrio parahaemolyticus is an important pathogen of aquatic animals due to the emergence of pathogenic variants that lead to colossal losses in shrimp aquaculture. Phages are natural cohabitants with bacteria in aquatic environments and play an important role in maintaining the ecosystem equilibrium. However, phage therapy has limitations such as narrow spectrum of activity and emergence of phage resistance. We have overcome this problem by developing a consortium of highly lytic phages that increase the lytic spectrum to over 82% and prevent emergence of phage resistance. Hence, this page consortium can be used as a viable and low-cost disease management strategy against V. parahaemolyticus infections in aquatic animals.

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Bacteriophage consortium for control of Pseudomonas spp

The emergence of highly virulent multidrug-resistant P. aeruginosa has become increasingly evident among hospital acquired infection and has raised the need for alternative therapies. Phage therapy can be one such alternative to antibiotic therapy to combat multidrug-resistant pathogenic bacteria, but this requires the availability of phages with a broad host range. Keeping in view the great potential of bacteriophages in controlling pathogens, development of this product focused on the isolation, genetic characterization and lytic activity on a broad range of P. aeruginosa specific jumbo phages with the intention of establishing the potential of candidate phages for the control of MDR P. aeruginosa. The jumbo bacteriophages isolated had lytic ability against biofilm forming and multidrug resistant P. aeruginosa and could be candidates for controlling growth of MDR P. aeruginosa in various settings