IDEATION DRIVE – 2021 Health and Allied Sciences


DST Technology Enabling Centre in association with the Institution Innovation Council, Nitte (DU) initiated an ideation drive to translate the ideas to technology through innovation. Best selected ideas will get a prize, mentoring support, boot camp training, start up grant support, and business development support
Phase 1: Identification of the problem
Phase 2: Discussion of the selected problems with peers from the domain to develop possible solutions
Phase 3: Development of teams for addressing the problems and possible solution
Phase 4: Review by the experts
Target Domains
Healthcare: Medical devices, diagnostics, therapeutics, nutrition, drug discovery, development of vaccines, maternal & child health, infectious diseases, Covid-19, rare and neglected diseases, patient care and safety, water & sanitation, solid waste & bio waste management
Digital Health : Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, imaging, wearables, IT in healthcare and other related sub-domains

Workshop Date : 2021-11-15

Venue : DST TEC

Last updated 2022-10-12 05:08:19